The beautiful balance of self care with modern life.
Since the dawn of civilisation, humans have blended oils from aromatic plants as a form of self-care - to improve our health, focus our minds, and bring emotional balance. Their therapeutic benefits helped me, like many of you, find the harmony to get through some of the toughest struggles of my life. But in those hard times, I also found release in the creativity of learning how to blend oils. The beauty of balancing oils and creating inspiring blends that support particular moments, occasions emotions or moods, for me mirrors the daily balancing act of modern life. Finding the right combinations of love, work, fun, family, self care and good health and blending them together in a daily dose works beautifully or more easily some days and as we all know, is a little harder on other days. These are the days when a bit of extra support comes in handy.
As I explored further, I wondered whether we could reimagine essential oils to make them more flexible to use throughout more of our day, whenever and wherever we needed them. That thought sparked a mission that has become the heart of Serene’s brand: the beautiful balance of self-care with modern life.

From our founder
Serene Body Health is a beauty, wellness and lifestyle brand. Our mission is to encourage daily practices and rituals of self-care, balanced with modern life through the power of scent.
We create products that are healthy, natural, ethical and sustainable, while feeling luxurious and special on the body and awakening the olfactory system in the brain. Our passion explores the beauty of balancing aromas, creating inspiring scents that have the power to shift moods, support emotional health, helping to empower people.
Founded in 2018 by Horticulturalist and self-taught perfumer Nina Hargrave, Serene Body Health™ is a beauty, wellness, and lifestyle brand. Our mission is to encourage daily practices and rituals of self-care, balanced with modern life through the power of scent.
'In my family, I was surrounded by Illness. This showed me the importance of the connection between our minds and bodies and how our stored emotions can cause physical Illness. During this awareness phase, I became interested in the ingredients within the cosmetics, perfumes, and beauty products I was using. Through research, I discovered the most toxic products were used in the perfume industry. This knowledge shocked and moved me so much that I created my own range of luxury, natural perfume products to replace the toxic items I used. I am so happy to offer luxurious, healthy products that smell wonderful and help support the general health of people who wear my fragrances.'
Love, Nina xx