The Serene Body Health Collections

The Serene Body Health collections of perfume oils explore conceptual ideas within the worlds of scent, nature, and health. Old and new. Dark and light. Natural and urban. Motion and stillness. Introspective and extrospective. These aspects of human life can be balanced to give us an empowering sense of connection to our place in the world, in the here and now. We adapt the ancient art of hand blending oils and botanicals to the needs of the modern world. They are crafted to strengthen our health and wellbeing.
The Light collection explores the use of perfume oils to promote wellness through mindfulness, self-care practices, encouraging self-enquiry, and regular self-care rituals. This range builds upon aromatherapy healing properties with the intention of bringing balance to your mind, body, and spirit. They are designed to speak to us in a way that is innate and timeless but also in a way that speaks to how we live now and how we might live well. This range is purposefully designed and crafted to support particular needs- supporting self awareness, grounding, focus, lift, or resting.
The dark collection explores ideas of transformation and evolution within ourselves and how we relate and connect to the natural modern world and its changing landscapes. It questions how we view the realm of scent and perfume and inspires new ways of thinking about scent. These are seductively sophisticated scents where we can enter into another world, like a dream, and escape our everyday selves. They bring a world of luxurious beauty that is often unattainable. These perfumes have a duality that is enticing: they can be either a luxurious perfume or an inspiration towards beauty and our higher selves - or they can be both. Or we can allow ourselves the time to be present and open to our own awareness, to look inwards with and see ourselves in a different light. A different understanding, raising our own consciousness about ourselves that can lead to personal transformation if possible.
We can see the beauty in ourselves. We can contemplate our true nature and the nature of the world because we are all connected. The modern world often distracts us from our true selves and our connectedness with each other. The scents we craft are all natural, utilising essential oils that encapsulate the pure and powerful essence of plants. Could these powerful properties help and inspire us to understand ourselves and bestow on us the ability to just be?
Sometimes we want to go inwards and sometimes we want to go outwards. What’s important here is that we get to know ourselves and cultivate a sense of knowledge, acceptance and power.
We bring these collections to you to encourage your own sense of presence within yourself, by pursuing a journey of transformation and empowerment through the powerful connection of nature, scent, the human body, and the human condition.
It’s a beautiful balance. The balance to be… Serene.