The Home

The home can have different meanings and may conjure up different ideas and feelings for many different people. Yet it seems to be a very relevant and sometimes poignant topic of conversation during this time in our lives in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic when home isolation becomes the normal. Perhaps it’s a time when we start to really understand what the home means to us or how we might like it to be for us.
I invite you to allow yourself to go inwards and see for a moment who you truly are and ask yourself, what is your home? Can you describe it? What does it look like? Is it dark or light? clean, messy? calm, quiet? or busy and chaotic? And as a constant, how would you describe the energy of the spaces within your home? Now how would you compare your home to the life that you lead? Does your external environment reflect your internal world?
I wonder if over time during these challenging times we may find that comfort and safety we seek of the home not only in the external environments in which we create and live in but perhaps more so within the internal environments of ourselves.